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What is an EPQ?

The EPQ is a project where you choose the topic. It can be about space travel to Mars, how computer games affect the perception of women in digital media, an investigation into the human rights violations of the Qatar world cup, a study of which breed of dog is the fastest sprinter, maybe you want to make a traditional Malaysian dress, it truly can be about anything! 

The aim of the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is for you to develop skills that will help you explore an idea that interests you. The idea is to prepare you for University and other higher education where often you will be conducting your own planning and research into your own exciting projects. If you have always wanted to explore a topic you have a passion for and get a qualification that supports your future the EPQ is for you.  

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What kind of work does the EPQ involve?

Projects can take a wide range of forms. Some students choose to write an extended essay or to do their own research, others to create a computer application, performance, mathematical solution, design, piece of art, or an event. It can be about anything, it is your choice. Many students choose to do something which develops skills that will be useful in their future career or in higher education.

Whatever format you choose, the project will involve a written element, which is likely to be between 1000 and 6000 words, depending on whether there is a practical or creative element to the project or whether it is just a written document. It will also involve some form of presentation near the end of the course where you will describe and explain the project.

How much work will be involved?

The EPQ is worth half an A level (28 UCAS points for an A* grade). Most courses require something like six to eight hours of learning per week if you include class time and independent study – it works out at around 180 hours in total

What help will I receive?

The EPQ is based on independent, university-style learning but that does not mean you work entirely on your own. You will be allocated a supervisor to support you through the process of doing the project.

Be seen with an EPQ

Be seen with an EPQ

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How is the EPQ Assessed?

There is no exam for the EPQ but it involves either a project or extended essay and a presentation at the end of the course. 

Four areas of skills are assessed:

1. Project planning and time management
Working out how best to use the time available

2. Using resources and research skills
The way you collect information and use resources such as books, journals and the internet

3. Developing an idea and producing an outcome
The whole project process

4. Evaluation and presentation
Reflecting on the process of doing the project and your ability to communicate your work orally to other people

Whatever project you choose, you should finish with an excellent grounding in research, critical analysis and presentation skills.

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